Metro Regional Preparedness Coalition

Welcome to the MRC

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This is a public health annoucnement we want y’all to know about. Click here to learn more

Volunteer with the Medical Reserve Corps.

The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities. The MRC network comprises approximately 180,000 volunteers in roughly 860 community-based units located throughout the United States and its territories.

MRC volunteers include medical and public health professionals, as well as other community members without healthcare backgrounds. MRC units engage these volunteers to strengthen public health, improve emergency response capabilities, and build community resiliency. They prepare for and respond to natural disasters, such as wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, and floods, as well as other emergencies affecting public health, such as disease outbreaks. They frequently contribute to community health activities that promote healthy habits.

Benefits of volunteering

MRC volunteers gain valuable skills and a network of neighbors who are also interested in helping our community.


Serve your family, friends, neighbors and loved ones in your town and beyond


Be part of a team trained to provide medical, public, and mental health support during an emergency


Network with other medical and public health professionals, as part of a critically important and specialized team


Participate in initiatives that enhance and strengthen public health such as vaccination and health education programs


An MRC trained volunteer could be part of a team mobilized during a national emergency such as Hurricane Katrina


Free training and continuing education credits – learn about:

  • Personal safety in emergency situations
  • Sheltering
  • Emergency management
  • Incident Command System
  • Become familiar with existing local emergency plans, procedures, and facilities
Feels good

It feels SO good to help people. READ what some of our volunteers have to say about their service to others…

Looks good

Resume appeal!

Questions? Comments? Get in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you.