Access and Functional Needs Planning Resources
This guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) describes the framework and principles of community engagement to develop a Community Outreach Information Network (COIN), a network of local leaders to engage at-risk populations in emergency preparedness planning and a trusted resource of essential information during an emergency.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services emPOWER Map
Over 2.6 million Medicare beneficiaries rely on electricity-dependent durable medical and assistive equipment and devices, such as ventilators, to live independently in their homes. Severe weather and other emergencies, especially those with prolonged power outages, can be life-threatening for these individuals. The HHS emPOWER Map is updated monthly and displays the total number of at-risk electricity-dependent Medicare beneficiaries in a geographic area (i.e., state, territory, county, or ZIP Code), as well as near real-time natural hazard data.
Map users can select different geographies, as needed, to identify at-risk populations and download selected data results to inform emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation public health activities. Users can also access near real-time natural hazard data layers to anticipate and address the needs of at-risk community members in emergencies.
MDPH Planning Toolkit for Access and Functional Needs 2019
This toolkit may assist local public health (LPH) and emergency managers in supporting individuals who have access and functional needs before, during, and after a public health disaster. Links and QR codes are provided for further resources to ensure that local emergency planning efforts are inclusive of people with disabilities and access and functional needs and integrate a whole community planning approach.
MDPH Emergency Preparedness for Access and Functional Needs
This website from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Office of Preparedness and Emergency Management (OPEM) provides an introduction to planning considerations for people with access and functional needs, which includes people with disabilities as well as people that navigate cultural, linguistic, transportation, and other barriers. Resources include preparing an emergency kit and family emergency plan.
MDPH Emergency Preparedness Population Planning Tool
This mapping portal was created by the Bureau of Environmental Health (BEH) and the Office of Preparedness and Emergency Management (OPEM) at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH). The Portal provides a variety of data on the different communities across Massachusetts and is intended to enhance inclusive community planning activities. Population demographics and indicators by age, disability status, and other factors are included to engage in whole community planning.
This link provides resources from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Office or Preparedness and Emergency Management (OPEM), including a planning toolkit for people with disabilities and/or access and functional needs, a portal to access data to help with preparedness planning at the community level, and communication tools.
MDPH Communication Tools – Show Me
Show Me is a suite of tools designed to enhance communication between individuals with communication challenges and public health and emergency management personnel and volunteers during times of emergencies.
The 3 tools in the suite include:
- Show Me: a communications tool for emergency shelters, a free paper-based booklet intended to be used within an emergency shelter setting
- Show Me for Emergencies, a free mobile app for Apple and Android phones and tablets intended to be used within the settings of an emergency shelter, an emergency dispensing site, and shelter-in-place and evacuation situations
- Show Me for Emergencies: FAC (Family Assistance Center), a free mobile app for Apple and Android phones and tablets intended to be used within the setting of a family assistance center due to a mass casualty or mass fatality incident
MEMA Emergency Planning for People with Disabilities and Others with Access and Functional Needs
This resource guide from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) provides a framework for local emergency managers and community planners to integrate considerations for people with disabilities and other access and functional needs into local comprehensive emergency management plans.
Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) – Disability Emergency Preparedness
The Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) is a state agency that serves as a resource for state and local government agencies and the general public to ensure that people with disabilities in Massachusetts can participate equally in all aspects of life. This link provides resources from MOD on disability emergency preparedness, including relevant laws and guidance on interacting with people with disabilities in times of emergency.
U.S. Health & Human Services Public Health Emergency Planning for Access and Functional Needs
This link provides a collection of resources from ASPR and CDC, including guidance, regulations and legislation, and best practices for emergency preparedness planing considerations for access and functional needs.
Capacity Building Toolkit for Aging and Disability Networks 2019
This document from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) provides guidance on identifying and engaging community partners in all phases of emergency management inclusive of people with disabilities and access and functional needs, including older adults.