National Preparedness Month Trainings & Events
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) in Region 4AB have come together to promote National Preparedness Month in our communities. Be sure to check out our virtual training opportunities and additional preparedness information to help assist you and your loved ones to be more prepared for disasters.
Please note RSVPs are required
American Red Cross Shelter Fundamentals for MRC Volunteers
Time: Any
9/10: Emergency Dispensing Sites 101
Time: 6:30 PM
Instructor: Garrett Simonsen, Region 4AB PHEP Planner
*This training will be capped at 100 – a recording of the event will be available after.
9/14: Overdose Prevention Training
Time: 3:00 PM
Host: Somerville Health and Human Services & Cambridge Health Alliance
9/22: Preparedness for Seniors
Time: 10:00 AM
Instructor: Joe Guertin
9/24: Family Preparedness
Time: 6:30 PM
Instructor: Joe Guertin
9/30: COVID-19 Facts & Myths
Time: 6:30 PM
Instructor: Christina Yen, MD
Please contact your local unit coordinator with any questions.