EDS 101 Training

Below are the resources from the “Emergency Dispensing Site 101” training provided by Garrett Simonsen, the Region 4AB PHEP Planner. This training was recorded on September 10th, 2020.

Training Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/VvmtvPn5ITuvt81HQiEiwT2HZXx865wJwqk5GBDIN6Sfu8Q6ONwJsR7KlR0ls4Wt.tOufl02ZFTl3fgWV?startTime=1599777280000

Slides: Region 4AB EDS Training Sept 2020 Final

Post-Training Evaluation: Educational Objectives Evaluation EDS 101

Please email metroeastmrc@town.arlington.ma.us if you have any questions.