Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Burlington Volunteer Reserve Corps (BVRC)?
The Burlington Volunteer Reserve Corps (MRC) is a group of volunteers (both medical and non-medical) who assist the Burlington Board of Health in public health programs and are available to assist the town in emergency situations in an effort to promote public health and safety in the Town of Burlington.
Who can volunteer?
Medical professionals and community members without medical training are welcome to volunteer.
Why should I become a BVRC volunteer?
BVRC volunteers find great satisfaction in knowing that they are contributing to the community in which they live or work by providing services and programs that otherwise may not have been possible without their assistance. BVRC volunteers learn about emergency preparedness and response so that, if there is an emergency, they can assist friends and neighbors in a time of need. Other benefits of becoming a volunteer include free training and skill development and the opportunity to network with other volunteers who share your skills and interests.
What do BVRC members do and how much time do I need to spend volunteering?
The time commitment can be as large or small as the volunteer would like it to be. Volunteers participate in community service activities such as flu clinics, American Red Cross blood drives, blood pressure clinics, household hazardous waste collections, community outreach and education, and community events such as Celebrate Burlington. Volunteers also attend regular meetings and training events. In the event of a public health emergency or severe weather event, volunteers may be contacted to assist local officials in a response.
How will I be contacted and do I have to respond?
Volunteers are contacted either through e-mail (non-emergencies) or phone (emergencies). Participation in all activities, including emergency deployments, events, and meetings is voluntary and there is no attendance requirement to be a member of the BVRC.
What types of training do I need?
The BVRC offers its members varied trainings throughout the year. Trainings are optional, however, each member is asked to complete two one time Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) online courses (ICS-100 and NIMS-700) to familiarize themselves with the basics of command structure during an emergency. Examples of trainings offered to volunteers in the past include CPR and First Aid, Regional Sheltering, Mental Health First Aid, and Psychological First Aid. In addition, medical professionals can earn free CEUs.
How do I join?
Volunteers can register at Under “Add Organizations”, click on “MRC”, then “Region 4A”, then “Burlington Volunteer Reserve Corps”. After completing registration, come to the Board of Health Office, 61 Center Street (office hours M, Tu, Th, 8:30am-4:30pm; W, 8:30am-7:00pm; F, 8:30am-1:00pm) to have your picture taken for an ID badge and to complete a CORI form.