MRPC Virtual Stakeholder Meeting – May 6, 2021
The MRPC held a virtual quarterly meeting for all stakeholders on May 6, 2021. The topic for this meeting was Building Capacity for Disability Inclusion in Emergency Preparedness. Our guest speaker was Sue Wolf-Fordham, JD, MPA, Senior Manager, Association of University Centers on Disabilities, and Deputy Director, National Technical Assistance and Training Center on Disability Inclusion in Emergency Preparedness. Sue discussed the Center’s national public health campaign, Prepared4All, designed to connect local disability organizations with public health and emergency management agencies. This initiative offers a free online training course to build local capacity for inclusion of people with disabilities and access and functional needs in emergency planning efforts for COVID-19 and other emerging infectious diseases, natural and human caused disasters. A copy of the meeting slides and handouts are available by clicking on the icons below.