COVID-19 Resources

This resource page is a collection of trusted, official sources of information concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, this page contains examples of COVID-19 public information resources that have been submitted by Region 4AB Boards of Health and Health Departments for others to use and customize.

World Health Organization (WHO)

The WHO COVID-19 webpage provides information on the international response to the outbreak, including Situation Reports, news, and technical guidance.

Decision Criteria for Postponement/Cancellation of Mass Gatherings (Government of Canada)

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

The CDC COVID-19 webpage provides information on the national response to the outbreak, including information for public health professionals, healthcare professional, laboratories, and travelers.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH)

The MDPH COVID-19 webpage provides information on prevention, treatment, and quarantining and monitoring. Below are additional state resources concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and response.

CDC Recommendations for Implementing COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies in Massachusetts

Suspension of Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law (effective March 12, 2020)

Local Public Health in Action

Local Public Health plays an important role in informing the public about health threats and recommended protective actions. Depending on the method of communication or audience, it is sometimes necessary or helpful to use the federal and state resources to create local information resources. Below are examples of COVID-19 resources developed by Region 4AB Boards of Health and Health Departments. These are considered open source resources for you to use and customize. If you would like to submit a resource to share with others, please email it to Garrett Simonsen, Regional Planner.

Brookline Mitigation Plan

Milton Isolation and Quarantine Nurse Packets: Guidelines for Volunteer Nurses | Release from Liability and Indemnity | HIPAA Privacy Rule

Somerville Emergency Orders Concerning Retail Services and Construction

Winchester Emergency Orders Concerning Personal Care Services (salons, gyms, etc.)

Dedham Health Department Meeting Design for Community Stakeholders COVID-19 Meeting (presentation slides available by email)

Somerville Community Alert Regarding Local Emergency Declaration

Hopkinton Health Department COVID-19 Toolkit

Template COVID-19 Situation Report (City of Peabody)

Template Posting Concerning Suspension of Municipal Services (Town of Gloucester)

Template Language for 2-1-1 and Email Signature

Lexington Public Schools 2019-nCoV Letter to School Community

Lexington Public Health Statement on 2019-nCoV

Newton Health & Human Services 2019-nCoV Information